
Is Pink Wine the New Winter White? (WinePW)

Rosé is not just for summer. There, it’s official, according to the director general of the Conseil Interprofessionnel des Vins de Provence, who told French radio recently that rosés are shaking off their lightweight image. But was that pronouncement merely a marketing ploy, or are consumers really lapping up rosés year-round? It turns out tastes […]

Is Pink Wine the New Winter White? (WinePW) Read More »

Yes, SHE CAN picnic with McBride Sisters canned rosé (#winePW)

Doesn’t it rain a lot in the Pacific Northwest? I get that question a lot since moving to the Seattle area two years ago. Yes, it does. But there are many types of rain in this corner of the world. As Washington state native Jenni Whalen outlines in a 2009 essay, they include drizzle, mist,

Yes, SHE CAN picnic with McBride Sisters canned rosé (#winePW) Read More »